Om Bhur bhuvah svah
Tat savitur varenyam
Bhargo Devasya dheemahi
Dheeyo yonah prachodayaat
The Gayatri Mantra is the essence of the three Vedas. It is the Vedas simplified. The more one contemplates and meditates upon the Gayatri, the more complexities are revealed to one.
AUM Supreme Lord
BHUR Protector of the earth, the material sheath, The Life breath of the Universe. From the feet to the navel center.
BHUVAH One of the meanings is the sky. The Lord who pervades and eliminates all miseries. From the navel to the throat center.
SVAH One of the meanings is the heavens. He is all Bliss and blesses His devotees with happiness. From above the throat center to the thousand petaled lotus.
TAT That (That Thou Art)
SAVITUR The SUN, Creator, Preserver and Self Luminous, the central mantra of the Solar Science.
VARENYAM Most fit to be worshipped. Most choice worthy.
BHARGOThe burning splendor of the Sun that dispels ignorance, and therefore sorrows and miseries.
DEVASYA The 'Deva', The God, He who is All Bliss, The Joyful One, The Shining One, The Revealer of All Glory
DHEEMAHI We meditate upon Him
DHEEYO YO NA Who our intelligence and Wisdom
* "O thou existence Absolute, Creator of the three dimensions, we contemplate upon thy divine light. May He stimulate our intellect and bestow upon us true knowledge."