May I be born
again and again,
and suffer
thousands of miseries,
so that I may
worship the only God that exists,
the only God
I believe in,
the sum total
of all souls.
And above all
my God the wicked,
my God the
my God the
poor of all races,
of all
He who is in
you and outside of you,
who works
through every hand,
who walks
through every foot,
whose body
you are;
him worship
and break all other idols.
He who is the
high and the low,
the saint and
the sinner,
the god and
the worm;
him worship,
the visible,
the knowable,
the real,
omnipresent. Break all other idols.
In whom there
is neither past life nor future birth,
nor death,
nor going nor coming,
in whom we
always have been and always will be one; him worship. Break all other idols.
Ay, fools,
who are neglecting the living God and his infinite reflection,
of which the
world is full,
and running
after imaginary shadows,
leading to
quarrels and fights;
him worship,
the only visible one. Break all other idols.